If you cannot wait for the excitement of the next Academy Awards anniversary do non panic – the Pennsylvania Country Educational activity Association (PSEA) is hither to assistance. The school employee labor union's reaction to the contempo unveiling of the Strike-Complimentary Education Act (House Bill 1369) has been entertaining to say the least.

PSEA spokesman Wythe Keever declared on television that teachers are 'not part of a monastical order' nor did they 'have a vow of poverty.' An Oscar nomination for all-time dramatic actor would not exist remiss.

Six out of the top 10 states (60 pct) in average teacher salary in the Usa prohibit teacher strikes – but don't permit such facts get in the way of high drama. Mr. Keever himself is almost certainly not taking any vow of poverty. His $152,810 annual income for 2005-2006 is derived from a organisation of compulsory ante payments that besides helps pay for PSEA golf trips. I initially presumed public instruction to be well-nigh children's best interests until I heard the words 'leverage' and 'pressure' existence used by Mr. Keever to explain why ejecting children from their classrooms is necessary.

State Rep. Todd Rock, R-Franklin, deserves enormous credit for introducing HB 1369 to eliminate instructor strikes in Pennsylvania. A former teacher himself, Rep. Rock is a freshman legislator who campaigned on a platform of reform and is now post-obit through on that commitment. Brand no error – this is a real school reform. This nib would protect the families of the 1.8 million public schoolhouse children in Pennsylvania by putting the needs of our students dorsum at the center of public policy.

30-seven other states already grant their school children the legal correct to receive a strike-free public education. Gov. Ed Rendell refuses to advocate for a strike-ban in Pennsylvania, indicating that he believes our school children are not worthy of the same legal rights as those children in 37 other states. He is wrong. Pennsylvania's children are non second-grade citizens – they deserve the correct to a strike-free education. It is disgraceful that Pennsylvania leads the nation every year in the number of teacher strikes.

The Strike-Free Education Deed does much more than but eliminate instructor strikes. It also empowers taxpayers and responsible school officials to meliorate control schoolhouse spending – the major commuter behind escalating property taxes.

An culling strike-ban proposal, Senate Bill 20 from Sen. Robert Mellow, is heedlessly centered on the idea that united nations-elected arbitrators and a Canton Gauge should be empowered to grant marriage officials 100 percent of their contract demands. Based on a system used in Connecticut, which has the highest teacher salaries and second highest property taxes in the nation, Mellow calls his programme the 'final best offer.' I call it the 'sell your house quick and get out Pennsylvania' plan. This type of compulsory binding arbitration has been alleged unconstitutional at three different public hearings – non that this stops Sen. Mellow, whose election campaigns were heavily funded by the labor unions.

In stark contrast to Sen. Mellow, Rep. Stone correctly believes that say-so for the cost of the teachers' labor contract should remain with the people's duly elected school officials. A unique feature of HB 1369 is that retroactive salary payments would be prohibited. This would forbid lump-sum budget-busting holding tax bills from existence sent out, and encourage spousal relationship officials to settle early. In that location would be complete transparency in the negotiating process. Contract proposals would be fabricated public and both school and union officials alike would 'confront the music' at public meetings to explain themselves if they reach an impasse. This allows the taxpayers paying the bill to make up one's mind who is being fair and reasonable.

Teachers would also be empowered under HB 1369 because they would be able to question their own wedlock leaders publicly. They would also have an alternative forum to the lookout man line, to air any legitimate grievances. Quality teachers opposed to strikes would never take to fright being locked out of their workplace once more. The Strike-Free Educational activity Deed is skillful for all major stakeholders – except for the University Award nominees at the PSEA.

Rep. Rock is to exist applauded for his courage in standing up for the rights of children, families and taxpayers against the most powerful special involvement group in the Commonwealth. Pennsylvanians should insist that their ain legislators at present actively support the passage of the Strike-Free Education Act into police force.

Simon Campbell is president of Stop Teacher Strikes Inc., a grassroots organization defended to eliminating teacher strikes in Pennsylvania. For more information, visit www.stopteacherstrikes.org